First Steps Toward Your New Website

Share your own vision and needs first.

If you are serious about building a new website and online marketing strategy, then this website worksheet is your first step.

We follow a consistent process to build mutual clarity from the very beginning. We can’t quote a job accurately without plenty of detail, and even more, the answers you give us here will identify us as either a great fit or a first date that didn’t click. Please take your time to give these answers your full attention. Once you’ve pushed the button, we will respond with an invitation to meet or some suggestions for a more suited solution.

Please, go on…

New Website Worksheet

Using demographics or anecdotal descriptions describe your ideal visitors. These can be customer avatars or referring professionals.
e.g. "Schedule an Appointment", "Click to Purchase", "Download this eBook."
Please share the names of your chief competitors and share your thoughts on what they do well and not so well.
Do you want help with copy writing and creating content for the website?
What functions do you want to include in your website?
What design style would you prefer for the website?

You can talk about colors, imagery, photos. If you have no preferences, that's OK. Our graphic designer is full of ideas!