Is my website ADA compliant?  Why should you worry about ADA accessibility now? If you are like most website owners, this is a question that just doesn’t occur to you unless someone you know or love has difficulty viewing or navigating on the standard website.

For most of us, when we hear “ADA compliance,” we think of handicap parking spaces, buildings with wheelchair ramps, and bathrooms that are accessible to all.

But, close your eyes and try navigating the internet. Or try using only one hand.  It soon becomes difficult, if not impossible.

A New Partnership – ADA Accessibility Now

I am very pleased to announce that Vision Marketing is partnering with two other website design agencies to offer in-depth service and expertise on ADA website compliance. The alliance is called ADA Accessibility Now.

ADA Accessibility Now works with technologies that will make your website available to all. We follow all of the WCAG standards used by the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and The Rehabilitation Act – Section 504 and Section 508.

Do I have to comply with ADA?

Yes, and it’s highly recommended.

The first half of 2019 saw a 12% increase in ADA Title III lawsuits filed in federal court over the same time period in 2018 (5,592 vs. 4,965). In order, the three highest states were New York, Florida and California. In New York, fifteen small wineries were sued in one day.  The numbers keep increasing emboldened by the Supreme Court’s refusal to consider the final appeal for a judgment against Domino’s Pizza.

It’s not just the big companies and celebrities like Beyonce being hit with complaint filings and lawsuits. Smaller and medium-sized businesses, especially those that are consumer-facing.  And honestly, isn’t it the right thing to do to make sure that your website and all digital assets are available and accessible for everyone regardless of limitations?

On the most basic terms, all content must be made available to people who are visually impaired – such as color blind, low vision, and the blind who use screen readers. Those who are hearing impaired require closed captioning on videos and audio provided on a website. People who use equipment such as head pointers for the keyboard, must also have access to your website.

Website Accessibility Now, and each one of our partners, is committed to creating a great user experience for all of your website visitors and getting you in compliance with the ADA.

What ADA Accessibility Now offers

Accessibility Audit

We will analyze your website using multiple accessibility testing programs, a rigorous manual accessibility test, as well as a comparison to every single WCAG 2.1 level A, AA, and Section 508 standard. We will provide you with a comprehensive plan and estimate for compliance.

Website Development

Start off on the right foot when your website is designed. All websites are built in accordance with WCAG 2.1 Guidelines for accessibility. The website will be built in WordPress allowing you easy updating in the future. Three click Search Engine Optimization (SEO) standards will be built in.

Accessibility Assurance

Keeping your website in compliance is quite a task. Every time changes are made to your website, accessibility can be affected. If you are in our assurance program, we monitor and update your website to ensure compliance and provide peace of mind.