Increasingly, businesses are using a StoryBrand script on website homepages to immediately clarify their message and capture the attention of website visitors. The results have been astounding. I took the time to read, absorb everything I could from Donald Miller, the NY Times best-selling author of “Building a Story Brand.” I watched videos and interviews with Don Miller taking apart websites and pointing out how to re-design following his script.

Let’s be honest, fads come and go. Today’s bestseller can sometimes be tomorrow’s ho-hum. I needed to consider for myself the value of following a StoryBrand Script and here’s what I found. I really rang true and was in totally alignment with some of the concepts and process that I had developed over the years, only this was BETTER.

What is a StoryBrand Script?

Obviously, we have to define a StoryBrand Script first, but I can’t explain it as comprehensively as Don Miller does in his book, “Building a Story Brand.” If you are so inclined, I recommend you read it or listen to it on Audible as I did. Then I purchased a hard copy of the book because I always do that with any author that really is speaking truth to me.

The subheading of the book title is “Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen.” Miller helps us do this by applying the age-old craft of compelling story-telling. Don Miller was the author of best-selling novels and screenplays before he applied what he knew to marketing communications. He uses the analogy of great movie story telling, like the Star Wars saga, to illustrate what captivates and moves your listeners (website visitors). It boils down to this.

Every story has a Hero Character who has a Problem who meets an experienced Guide who knows how to Solve the Problem using a Plan. When the hero responds to the Call to Action and follows the Guide’s Plan, the problem is solved and the hero’s life is transformed.

How to Apply the StoryBrand Script on Websites

First, you need to flesh out your own brand story. It’s not so difficult, particularly if you have a guide. I have a colleague who is collaborating with my business who is a StoryBrand guide. I used tool at to help me outline Vision Marketing’s script. My StoryBrand guide, Ronnie Michael, offered feedback and suggestions for tightening the script.

 Next, you must answers three basic questions when applying the StoryBrand script on websites:

What do you offer?

You are speaking directly to your Hero Character (your ideal client or customer) and explaining how you solve their problem. Consider that your visitors are looking to solve problems, not looking for a list of services that you offer. So that answer to “What do you offer?” is “the solution to this stated problem.”

How will it make my life better?

Here you describe the end result after you have solved their problem. Their life, business, or relationship has been transformed. It helps to tell this story by better understanding the three tiers of the problem your hero faces. Don Miller talks about the external problem, the internal problem, and the philsophical problem.

For my business, I know my website owners face the external problem of a do-nothing, no-results website that leads them to the internal problem of feeling frustrated over missed opportunities as well as no sales. Philosophically, we all feel that we deserve a website that sells. I say we all deserve a website that is our best 24-7 sales person.

The transformation? Imagine your business success, your confidence and security when you know your website is connecting with and converting your ideal customers all day, every day, without fail. Will more income change your life?

What do I need to do to buy it?

Too many websites forget to include a very direct call to action. Your business equivalent of BUY NOW must be clearly placed at the top of every page and in the center at points as you scroll down. There should be a transitional call to action for those who are not ready to BUY NOW. You offer another call to action for a low-risk engagement such as downloading a guide or subscribing for your newsletter (or more specifically a lead nurturing email sequence that helps them down the sales path.)

There’s a Lot More to It

We’ve only scratched the surface, but I hope this has piqued your curiosity. If you would like to learn more about applying a StoryBrand script on your website, CLICK HERE to SCHEDULE A CONVERSATION. We assess what can be done with your website and start you on clarifying your own StoryBrand Script.